
5 Months actually ellasped from my last assessment and it was November- this is because I did a harvest, which on the plus you earn plentiful money very quickly, the flip side to this, you work some very long hours. I had to weigh up X amount of money, or OAA resit, in hindsight, I made the wrong decsion and should of gone straight back to OAA.


COMPASS retake after swatting up on my navigation. It went fine, but at one point I felt my computer was not reacting to my input properly, I stepped away and told the staff, I am glad I did. I carried on with the rest of the test trying to put the computer situation out of my mind, I re-did the bit were the computer was misbehaving and went back to the waiting room for more waiting. I felt it had gone ok.

Its an odd feeling waiting in a room whilst in another room they decide what direction your life is going to take for potenially many years... doesn't happen that often.

The tests have to be sent to another country to be marked by the COMPASS people and then the results are sent back to OAA, hence the wait. A lady came and got me and I was led into the room were id had the interiew with the BA guys..

''How do you think it went'' she asked
''Ummm could you just tell me if I am in or not!?'' trying my best to keep a degree of patients in my voice-

She stuck out a hand and said congratulations.

In reflection I hadn't achieved that much, I wasn't now a Emirates A380 captain, however, I did have my foot on the ladder to become a pilot.

 There isn't much time to feel happy and day dream about unopened champagne before you are down stairs with a lady who gives you all the info you need to sign up and also the BBVA forms if you need them. I signed up to a date that day- the 28th of March. It was time to go home and tell the family and have my first drink in many months.

 First drink in months
Post from my Oz family.


  1. Well done Harry, you should be very proud of yourself!

    Capt. Petey (Retired)


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