Yes, no, maybe?

Assessment, two days.

Day one.

Its been well described what is in your assessment, (I would advise having a look at OAA forums). I arrived on site, went through security and parked up. The walk to the building is quite a nerve racking one but EVERY student you see has been in your shoes. Inside we went into the centre were I met up with John, Antony and a chap whoms name escapes me, lets call him Mike! We were all given sheets to tell us to be when and were.

We were led into a room especially designed for skills process,  there are 2 rows of computers, about 14 or so in all. There you sit your Computerised Pilot Assessment Screening System (COMPASS)- about 2 hours.

CONTROL - Eye to Hand & Feet Coordination - Flying Aptitude & Motor Skills
SLALOM - Eye to Hand Coordination - Flying Aptitude & Motor Skills
MEMORY - Capacity
MATHEMATICS - Capacity and Technical Capability
ORIENTATION - Instrument Flying Capacity, Logic & Deductive Reasoning
TASK MANAGEMENT - Multi-Tasking & Capacity
CPP- assessment personality

Its a relief when its done, I felt mine had gone okay but a couple of the physics questions were dodgy...

Anyway, a break and chat with John, Antony and Mike, very interesting to speak to, all very similar and it was good to share experiences.

Next up simulator test- this is fun! Try and relax and enjoy it for what it is, you are given a briefing and then 1 at a time go to the simulator to fly a CRJ. You have a choice, chat to the instructor about 'this and that' or he will firing maths questions at you... I went for a chat! In the simulator you preform some basic moves whilst your instructor controls the throttle. Tip, remember to tell him when to set the throttle in correlation to your movement, this is important, eg, 'set climb thrust please'. After the test I left off about 3ish, feeling quite tired and pleased to be done for the day, back to Premier Inn via the Pizza takeaway id eye-spied.

End of day one.
